Thursday, May 3, 2007

I'm sure that this is probably old news to most of you out there, but I was cruising around on the web last night and found out some absolutely wonderful news! It seems as though the much beloved Victoria Magazine is going to be relaunched in October! Yes ~ they are bringing it back! I can't tell you how happy that makes me! It will be on the newsstands in October and the issue will be a November/December issue. The magazine will not be published each month as it once was, but rather every two months.

The thing that I love so much about Victoria Magazine is that no matter how old the issues are, the content is never out of style. I have issues from way back in the 1980's and the majority of the articles are still appropriate for today's decor. It goes to show that anything truly classic never really goes out of style.

There is something so elegant and classy about this magazine and I was so disappointed when it went out of publication a few years ago. Victoria Magazine can definitely count me in as a faithful subscriber ~ for the second time around! Hats go off to everyone involved for realizing that there was a real void in the industry when this beautiful magazine ceased publication. Thank you for bringing it back!

1 comment:

Cin said...

I think there are a lot of Victoria fans out there who can't wait to see what Hoffman & Hearst make of this. As for me, I look forward to adding to my collection.

Cheers from Vancouver!